COVID-19 Safety Plan – Updated March 1st, 2022
The Health and Safety of all staff and the people they come in contact with is very important. Safety measures have been implemented because of the COVID-19 virus. Until further notice, the below procedures will be in effect to safeguard all staff. All staff are to read through the following Safety Plan and if they have any questions, speak to their Supervisor.
1. The Risks have been Assessed:
The Safety Committee and Supervisors/Managers have accessed the risks within the workplaces.
The higher risk areas are: Common areas and surfaces within the office and shop, shared company vehicles, and retail and commercial job sites.
2. A unique set of Protocols has been established to reduce the risks in the workplaces which include:
a. Masks and other Protocols for the Office and Shop:
Masks are mandatory when entering the workplace. (Refer to the WCB website on how to use a mask.)
Maintain a distance of 2m/6ft from other people when indoors or wear a mask if not possible to maintain distance.
Do not shake hands. Do not share food, drinks, or cigarettes.
Wash hands or sanitize hands regularly and avoid touching your face.
All in-person indoor meetings are limited to a maximum number of people based on the room size able to accommodate physical distancing. (Refer to the maximum capacity number noted on meeting room doors.)
In common areas, such as the lunchroom, spread out and leave empty seats between people to maintain physical distancing. (Refer to the maximum capacity number noted on the lunchroom door.)
If required, large meetings will be held in open air settings.
Microsoft TEAMS and other online tools will be used for meetings when practical.
Trained cleaning staff sanitize all common surfaces daily using diluted bleach or antimicrobial sprays (Examples: Railings, door handles, countertops, tables, shared office or shop equipment).
All staff are to use sanitizer, wipes, or sprays on their personal workstation surfaces on a regular basis.
Spray bottles with diluted bleach are on each lunchroom table to be used to sanitize the table after each use.
WCB signs and information posters are posted on both entrances to the Office and Shop as well as in company vehicles to inform staff of current COVID symptoms and WCB protocols.
Barriers have been installed in the Men’s bathroom where needed.
Bottles of hand sanitizers have been provided in all company vehicles.
Hand sanitizers are in these office and shop locations:
a. Main Entrance
b. Showroom entrance top of Stairs
c. Showroom bathroom
d. Engineering Office
e. Main Office (Two)
f. Lunchroom
g. Side Entrance
b. Masks and other Protocols for External Sales and Site Staff:
Masks are mandatory when entering the workplace, job site or customer’s homes.
Wipe down vehicle door handles and steering wheels daily with sanitizer or wipes, or whenever drivers change.
Workers who cannot maintain physical distance (2 meters, 6.5 ft.) should use PPE including:
Wearing a mask, as recommended by WCB. (Refer to the WCB website on how to use a mask.)
Wash or sanitize hands immediately before putting on the masks and immediately after removing it.
Avoid touching the face while wearing the mask. Change the mask by touching the straps.
Do not share masks between workers. Use a clean mask at least daily, or when it becomes damp or soiled. Launder re-usable masks with other items using a hot cycle and dry thoroughly.
Do not place masks on any work surface, common area or equipment.
Safety glasses can be used in conjunction with masks.
If gloves are used, hands should be thoroughly washed after removing gloves.
Commercial Job Sites:
Site staff are to follow all Commercial Job Site COVID-19 Protocols. (These often include questionnaires and temperature checks.)
In closed rooms that are under construction, have a maximum of 2 people working at one time.
Personnel hoist, elevators, and any similar enclosed area will be reduced to half of its posted capacity.
Retail Job Sites:
When arriving at a customer’s home, staff members are to confirm that no one in the home is exhibiting COVID
symptoms. (If anyone is, staff are to leave site and report to their Supervisor immediately for further instruction.)
Staff are to ensure customers keep their physical distance or are wearing a mask.
At the end of an install in a customer’s home, sanitize all newly installed surfaces.
3. Regular review of the COVID Safety Plan:
The Safety Committee reviews the COVID Safety Plan at least monthly.
If/when new protocols are required by WCB, they will be implemented and communicated out to staff.
Any questions staff may have can be directed to their Supervisor.
For information on other safety procedures, staff can refer to the current Employee Handbook or the company
Health and Safety Manual posted on the company intranet (SharePoint)
4. Links to Self-Assessment tools:
Alberta https://myhealth.alberta.ca/journey/covid-19/Pages/COVID-Self-Assessment.aspx
British Columbia https://bc.thrive.health/